Elena Somova

Professor, PhD in Computer Science

Department "Computer Science", Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski"

Picture of Elena Somova

ORCID: 0000-0003-3393-1058

Google Scholar


Publons, Web of Science


COURSES 2023/2024

Introduction to Computer Science

1 semester, for full-time and part-time bachelor students

Web Programming

1 semester, for full-time and part-time bachelor students; for Erasmus students, in English

Algorithms and Data Structures

1 semester, for full-time bachelor students; for Erasmus students, in English

Modeling and Management of Business Processes

2 semester, for full-time and part-time bachelor students

Object-Oriented Programming

2 semester, for full-time bachelor students

Information Technologies in Education

2 semester, for master students

Practical classes in C++ Programming

for students in qualification degree

Modeling of Business Processes

Elective, 1 semester, for part-time bachelor students


CEEPUS-H-0081, CIII-HU-0019-18-2324, Central European Exchange Program for University Studies, International Cooperation in Computer Science, 2023-2024.

Local Coordinator


Deyan Stoilov

Data analytics for dynamic prediction of the price movement by applying machine learning

Nikolay Handzhiiski

Parser generators